Thursday, February 27, 2014

Here's a post

Well, frequently I think to myself of little things I just feel the world really wants to know, but realize they are too stupid or random to put on facebook, and also a picture just wouldn't do it justice without a ton of back story. 
I am just putting my thoughts down to words.  Currently it is 11:44 pm. I've been up since 5 when my Army day started.  (let me make it clear that I am not complaining about my work load, its very infrequent that this happens to me because honestly, I'm not that important, but more on that later.) I took a PT test and did pretty decent, and finished my first walking test.  I recently, by the grace of God have been given a get-out-of-jail-free card and a Doctor thought my spine is so injured I no longer have to run for the Army. I was given a waiver and now I walk (hardcore I know.)  Anyone not in the Army will never know what a blessing this is.   Fo-realz.

So I started the day very early, and "worked out" lol I'm so completely lazy.  I did 39 push ups, and 75 sit ups and boom, good enough.  Then I walked 2.5 miles and a freakish fast walk.  It didn't hurt or anything, but damn I feel it now.  My hips are aching and the fact that I've just been sitting here watching my laptop and ignoring the 5 menial tasks I have in this 24 (or more in my case) duty.

I guess this blog is about Jack and I.  He's such a good boy- loyal to a fault, energetic, lazy, hungry, frequently drools; basically I married.... a dog. I was trying to come up with the specific breed he is, and sometimes that is Rottweiler/pit bull, but I'll be damned if he doesn't yap at the sliding door as much as a damn Chihuahua. (Don't get me wrong, I love that damn dog.) Frequently in my life I no longer know my husband as Jack.  I see something ruined in my house and call him with "Dammit Jack!"

He's also a handy man to have around.  I'm kind of fond of him even though I frequently make him out to seem like a dirty animal. But only I can say that....and also anyone who has ever seen him before the Army....or once he was in the Army....or anyone who has seen him drunk.... or sober.

Please be sympathetic to how horrendous this first post might be.  Im.....pretty damn tired. 
I'll write more later.  Hopefully coherent sentences

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